
Housing corporations and other larger rental organisations often use a complaints procedure. You are expected to go through this complaints procedure first and to see whether you can reach a solution together with your landlord. Check, for example, the complaints procedure of the DUWO  or SHWJ here. If, however, you do not reach a solution, you still have other options.

Do you rent from a housing association? Then you can contact the regional complaints committee. This is an independent committee that handles your complaint. Read on the website which complaints they handle and how you can submit them.

In Leiden you can contact the rent assessment commission (Dutch: Huurteam Leiden). The Rent Commission deals with matters concerning rent, rent increase, rent reduction, service costs, maintenance and home improvement. Here, too, you can submit a complaint if you have gone through the landlord's complaints procedure and are not satisfied with the outcome. On the website of the rent assessment commission you can read more about how and when you can involve the rent assessment commission.

If you need (free) advice or more information before taking action, you can also contact the legal desk (Dutch: Juridisch Loket). There you will find a great deal of legal information about renting.