Extra costs when signing a rental contract

Key deposit (in Dutch sleutelgeld)
Your landlord is not allowed to ask for a key deposit. A key deposit is an amount of money that a landlord sometimes asks for in a rental contract. If you pay a key deposit and you cancel the lease, you will not get it back. Never pay a key deposit!

Takeover costs for items left behind in the rental home
Sometimes the previous tenant(s) will leave items behind in the home. If you agree to keep any items, you will need to arrange this mutually. Usually, a certain amount of money is agreed for this as payment. Note: If the next tenant after you does not want to keep anything, you must remove the items from the home. Let the previous tenant and landlord clearly know if you don't want to keep any items. When you move into the house, these items must have been removed.

The deposit
When your rental contract starts, you often pay a deposit. A deposit is allowed by law. There is no rule how high it may be. Usually, the deposit is 1 or 2 months’ rent. If you cancel your lease you will get the deposit back if you leave the house in good condition. However, if there is damage, then this will be deducted from the deposit.

Rental costs
A landlord incurs rental costs when they rent out a home. These are, for example, costs for the rental contract, placing a new lock, having a name plate made for the front door, etc. The landlord may charge rental costs for this, but these costs must be reasonable in relation to the work. If you do not think the rental costs seem reasonable, first ask for advice at Het Juridisch Loket

Mediation costs
You pay mediation costs to a realter if you have instructed them to find you a home. Please note that if the broker works for the landlord, they are not allowed to also charge you a fee.