Rental allowance

The rental allowance (huurtoeslag) is a government contribution towards your rental costs. Rent allowance ensures that people with a lower income can still rent a house. If you rent a room in a student house or living group, you are not eligible for rent subsidy. You are only eligible for rental allowance if you rent independent accommodation (not a postal address). The tax authorities mean by this that you have your own door, which can be locked. You must also have your own kitchen and toilet. 

You must also meet various conditions. In order to qualify for the Dutch rent benefit, you (and your fiscal partner) need to meet the following conditions:
- You have a signed rental agreement with your landlord.
- You live in a self-sufficient home with bedroom, bathroom and kitchen.
- You are registered at the same address.
- You are at least 18 years old.
- You have a valid residence permit.
- You don't have too much capital (savings, shares, investments).

If your rent is too high, you cannot claim rental allowance. For the actual threshold of the rental allowance please check out the Rijksoverheid website (Dutch).

You can apply for rental allowance on the website of the Tax Office with your DigID. When you apply for rent allowance, it is good to remember that this is only an advance. At the end of the year, the tax authorities will settle the rent allowance with you on the basis of your income, among other things. If it turns out that you are not eligible, you will need to pay the allowance back in full. If you want to make sure you are eligible for the rental allowance, you can set up an appointment at the  Leidse Rechtswinkel.